
Optimized Resource Integration and Global Architecture for Mobile Infrastructure for 6G


The research conducted within the ORIGAMI project relies on comprehensive datasets that are crucial for validating the findings and conclusions presented in the associated publications. The datasets used in the project can be accessed below, linked to the corresponding publications where they were employed.

Latency and energy characterization of 5G LDPC FEC Decoding on CPU and GPU

L. Schiavo, G. Garcia-Aviles, A. Saavedra, M. Gramaglia, M. Fiore, A. Banchs, X. Costa-Perez. ACM MobiCom, 2024.

CloudRIC is a system that meets specific reliability targets in 5G FEC processing while sharing pools of heterogeneous processors among DUs, which leads to more cost- and energy-efficient vRANs. The details of the solution are presented in CloudRIC: Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Virtualization with Shared Heterogeneous Computing.

DOI DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10691661 10.5281/zenodo.10691661

5G Campus Network QoS Dataset for Open-Source gNB Implementations

S. Raffeck, S. Grøsvik, S. Lange, T. Hoßfeld, T. Zinner, S. Geißler. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.

This 5G campus network dataset contains 6 distinct CSV files. Three for each of the testbeds located at either the Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU) or the University of Wuerzburg(WUE).

DOI DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13754300 10.5281/zenodo.13754300

Measurement Data: Latencies and Traffic Traces in Global Mobile Roaming with Regional Breakouts

V. Vomhoff, M. Sichermann, S. Geißler, A. Lutu, M. Giess, T. Hoßfeld. TMA Conference, 2024.

This repository contains a description and sample data for the Paper A Shortcut through the IPX: Measuring Latencies in Global Mobile Roaming with Regional Breakouts published at the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis (TMA) Conference 2024.

DOI DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11065734 10.5281/zenodo.11065734

ATELIER. QoE and Net.KPIs for On-Demand video transmission in Mobile Networks (emu.) part 1

Milani, Mattia. IEEE, 2024.

This dataset contains all the raw (and processed) information for thousands of experiments that transfer a video on-demand from a core network to a UE emulated through SRSRan inside docker containers. The dataset contains both the network statistics but also the evaluation of the QoE through VMAF for each experiment. In total, 3 different videos has been used with different characteristics and different network impairments has been applied.

DOI DOI 10.5281/zenodo.109847165734 10.5281/zenodo.109847165734

ATELIER. QoE and Net.KPIs for On-Demand video transmission in Mobile Networks (emu.) part 2

Milani, Mattia. IEEE, 2024.

This dataset contains all the raw (and processed) information for thousands of experiments that transfer a video on-demand from a core network to a UE emulated through SRSRan inside docker containers. The dataset contains both the network statistics but also the evaluation of the QoE through VMAF for each experiment. In total, 3 different videos has been used with different characteristics and different network impairments has been applied.

DOI DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10984858 10.5281/zenodo.10984858

ATELIER. Self-Labelling dynamic Loss function training data

Milani, Mattia. IEEE, 2024.

This dataset contains all the statistics collected during the training of multiple Neural Networks which uses the following architecture technologies: Siamese Neural Networks, Dynamic loss function modified during the training through Reinforcement learning and a 'Curriculum-Learning' cycle in between training cycles. The goal of the Models is to correctly identify anomalies in the QoE of real-time videos trough the network KPIs.

DOI DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10984557 10.5281/zenodo.10984557