
Optimized Resource Integration and Global Architecture for Mobile Infrastructure for 6G

Privacy Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by your browser onto your computer or mobile device when you visit this Site. They are used to provide you with a good experience when you browse this Site and allow us to improve this Site. The most common use of cookies is to collect information at a statistical level. Practically all web pages use them.

Cookies can be classified according to three criteria: entity that manage the cookies, the duration and the purpose. According to these three criteria, cookies can be used:

  1. According to the entity who manage the cookies:
    • First Party cookies: cookies managed by the own website manager (SNS ORIGAMI) and who provide the service required by the user.
    • Third Party cookies: cookies managed by a third party different from the website owner, for example Google.
  2. According to the duration of the cookies:
    • Session cookies: remain in your browser during your browser session only, ie until you leave the website.
    • Persistent cookies: remain in your browser after the session (unless deleted by you). The entity responsible for the cookie can access the stored data and can process it during a defined period, which is different for each cookie.
  3. According to its purpose:
    • Technical or Operational (necessary): A cookie that allows the user to navigate on a web page and use different options or services.
    • Preference or Customization: these are cookies that allow you pre-defined access to our website depending on a number of criteria characteristics, such as language, view formats and so on and so forth.
    • Analytical or Performance: A cookie that allows the responsible party, the monitoring, and analysis of the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked.
    • Behavioral advertising: these cookies collect behavioral information from our website browsers through a continued observation of their navigation habits, and that allow the developing of a specific profile for show advertising.
This website uses the cookies indicated in the following table.
Cookie Code name Duration Purpose
Google Analytics _ga 2 years Analytical. Used to distinguish users and sessions.
No Cookies no_cookies 1 years Technical. Used to avoid asking for cookies acceptance, once the user has already declined them.